Elegant Affairs | Seattle Wedding Planner

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What happens when your cake is wrong?

What would happen when the wedding cake your thought you ordered in pink shows up white?

Immediately panic right?


A few years ago, we ran into the same potential wedding day crisis when the baker dropped off the cake only to discover that when we opened the box that it was the wrong color. Well after showing the baker the contract clearly showing they made the cake in the wrong color the next step was the figure out how to make our bride happy.

Knowing we couldn't get the pink cake as the bride had her heart set on, my assistant and I  had a job to do and was to make this cake be the best wedding cake possible and not let the bride know there was no issues. And we only had a few minutes before the bride would see the cake.

With the help of the venue owner (the wedding was held at a private home and the owners were friends of the bride), we decided to scout their gorgeously lavish garden for the perfect flowers to decorate the cake. We couldn't have lucked out more since the owners also owned a landscaping company. We found some gorgeous flowers and immediately we went to work.

Our fabulous bride loved how her cake turned out and we save the day!

So the morale of this potentially wedding day emergency was to make the best out of the situation and at the end of the day if they bride and groom are happy then we accomplished our goal.