Elegant Affairs | Seattle Wedding Planner

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Planning for the Unexpected

You’ve spent the last year or so planning every detail of your wedding day. You’ve got your wedding day planner filled out, you have your minute by minute timeline, everything will happen perfectly. But wait – you can’t help but feel like you’re forgetting something or, worse – something unexpected happens. Yes, on your big day, there may be moments of frantic, panic, and sometimes things may not go according to plan. Maybe your DJ doesn’t show up, or your groomsmen had pancakes with syrup for breakfast and now it’s on his shirt…But, we’re here to help. We’ve compiled our favorite odds and ends to decrease those unexpected moments, or pre-plan for those details you’ve forgotten, so you can be intentional with creating your wedding day plan and eliminate the panic.

Tip 1: One of the most assumed parts of the wedding day is the wedding morning. In a picture perfect world, everyone will know where to show up with a venti espresso in hand. But sometimes, somewhere, there are hiccups during the getting ready process. Overcommunciating with your wedding party is key! Remember that you know your wedding party and family best. You will want to be intentional with creating an easy to follow plan for all members of your wedding party. Do not assume that they know where hair and make-up will be done, what time they will need to arrive, or will there be enough seating for all guests? And, if you know that your maid-of-honor needs a snack, or your Aunt Betty may get hangry in the mornings, plan to bring snacks and provide food. Creating a formal plan of a morning timeline and communicating with your wedding party will decrease any unexpected moments. 

Tip 2: Things can happen throughout the day, especially with the wedding party attire. We have experienced everything from red wine spilled down the bride’s dress, a missing button on the suit coat, or the time we had to hand sew a bridesmaid into a dress. Pre-plan for clothing emergencies. Create a special kit, that is in a spot where everyone in the wedding party can access it. Pack a tide pen, sewing kit, scissors, hot glue gun, multiple colors and types of thread, witchery tape, and even a steamer! With an emergency kit you will be prepared for any unexpected fashion emergencies. 

Tip 3: One of the biggest, easily forgotten details is how are you and the groom getting to the ceremony? Oftentimes, this can be a detail that is overlooked. Additionally, be sure to manage how you and your wedding party are getting to the ceremony, reception, and then how you are getting home or to the hotel. You want to make sure that your wedding party is safe and can safely arrive on-time. Pre-plan your rides, schedule your uber or car service, and communicate with your wedding party before the drinks begin to flow. Having a transportation set will make sure you and your wedding party are able to get to and from the wedding safely. 

Tip 4: Timing is key. Your timeline may be outlined minute by minute, or you're feeling good about having your wedding planner with you every step of the day, but be sure to add time buffers to your schedule. If you are going from various locations throughout the day, pre-plan those drives. Apps like Waze or Google Maps can help you pre-plan your drive and predict traffic. You need to leave each location with plenty of time and add in room for errors.

Tip 5: Where will you keep your personal belongings? Are you bringing a purse? Will you need your ID? Be sure to talk with your wedding party or buy a clutch or bag to store at the venue. You never know when you will need your personal belongings, so designate a space or a person to support you with this. 

Tip 6: Most of your vendors will be paid throughout installments or in full during the wedding planning process. But, there are some vendors who get paid day of and plan on how you want to thank your vendors on the day. If you need to pay vendors or give tips at the end of your event, be sure to talk with your wedding planner or assign someone in your family to handle this for you. Create separate, labeled envelopes for each vendor and communicate with the individual when and how they will handle payments or tips. You don’t want to forget to pay any vendors, nor do you want to be scrambling writing checks or finding cash at the end of the night. 

Tip 7: You’ve said your “I Do’s” and the event is done, but what happens to all your stuff? This is one of the most often forgotten parts of the night. How will your items get home and who will be helping with the clean-up of your items. If you have a wedding planner, work with your wedding coordinator or planner to determine a plan. Be sure to assign people and vehicles to take decor, be in charge of event take down, and most importantly decide who will take your gifts and cards. 

As much as we hate to say it, unexpected occurrences happen on your big day. But if you work to pre-plan the unexpected or the little forgotten details, your day will be filled with less panic. The more planning you do to determine all of the odds and ends, the less stress you will feel on your wedding day. Whether you work with your wedding planner on creating a plan or sit down with your partner and create a plan together, planning all of the odds and ends is a necessity. Be intentional with your logistics, over communicate, and plan your day from start to finish. The more you plan, the more you get to relax and be worry free on your big day! 

Lori Losee is the owner of Elegant Affairs, a Tacoma Wedding Planner with over 17 years of experience. We create awe-inspiring experiences—Events filled with meaning and refined elegance. Behind the scenes, our experienced team collaborates on each stage of the process, executing your vision and a wedding, celebration, or corporate event that is unique to you.