Elegant Affairs | Seattle Wedding Planner

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Happy Thursday again! Every week we usually go over some awesome original ideas to make your wedding a little more personable. So far I have done specific topics but we haven’t really gone over the how to. This week we are going to do just that. While this isn’t rocket science, it can be a little overwhelming on where to begin. Take in consideration this is only my guidance; there are so many other ways out there too.

First things first, start making a list of things that you love! Things that make you, well you! This can favorite colors, foods, important people, movies, music, ect. Next is your spouse’s turn.  

Once those lists are done, what makes your relationships yours? These are things that are important to you and your future spouse. Try to think of special songs, first dates/special dates, foods you both love, flowers, first kisses, hobbies, inside jokes (between you and your significant other of coarse), things that hold special meanings within the relationship.

 Once you have these lists, pull out the ones that you just love! The ones that pop out! The ones that paints a picture of how truly special and unique your relationship is. Now the fun begins. How do we incorporate this into your wedding day?  Honestly, the possibilities are endless, that’s why I write about them weekly.

Some things that you might want to take into consideration:

 1. Your venue, space, and location (This is pretty self explanatory)

 2. Taking consideration of your guests (i.e. you and your spouses decide to have your dog part of your wedding ceremony. You definitely don’t want to have the dog sitting next to you’re your brides maid who is deathly allergic.)

 3. How much time/attention will it need to make happen? (Preparation is key; the day of your wedding you already have enough on your plate)