Guest Book Alternatives

We’ve all signed the guest book at a wedding. Some are just notebooks, while others are picture books with empty spaces to sign. Oftentimes guest books can be overlooked, so it’s becoming more and more important to create a meaningful opportunity of connection with your guests. Creating a meaningful opportunity for guests to share advice, remember a fond memory of you and your partner, and get creatively involved in the guest book process is key. So, let’s dive into some of our favorite, new and old, guest book alternatives! 

01: Leave Us a Tip or Advice! 

This is one of our favorites. Not only can it be insightful, but some of your guests’ tips are just downright fun. Think of a creative way to create a space for guests to leave you advice or a tip. You can leave it in a notebook, or create a jar with little pieces of paper. Whatever you choose, give your guests an opportunity to share their words of wisdom. Not only will it create a fun interaction for your wedding guests, but it will give you and your partner something to dive into post wedding. Open a tip weekly or monthly! Make it a game – there’s always value in your loved ones’ advice! 

02: Photo Fun 

Everyone loves a good selfie. Create a fun and lively space for your guests to spend some time in, with a photo booth! You can create your own DIY photobooth with a backdrop of your choice and props, or you can hire a professional to run the photobooth stand. Even as wedding professionals, we can’t help ourselves but take some cute photos in the photo booth. Guests will be able to take home a memory of your wedding day and you will be able to have memories of your guests. Don’t forget to leave out some props, everyone loves a good prop! 

03: Bucket List 

This one is similar to the advice/tip jar, but have your guests help you create a bucket list of items to complete as either a newlywed couple or throughout your marriage! This can be date ideas, places to travel, or even locally eat! You can have a physical bucket, with slips of paper for your guests to write on, or an outline of a bucket on a canvas to hang in your home. Your guests will have a blast creating your bucket list items and it adds a little spin to the traditional guest book. 

04: Notes for Years Ahead

Have your guests write notes for milestones in your marriage! You can have guests write “messages in a bottle”, write on a letterhead, or even write on a bottle of wine to open. Your guests can freely write their thoughts, whether advice, tips, or fun bucket list items, this will be an opportunity for you and your partner to reminisce down the road! It’s also a fun and simple idea to tie in any wedding themes or design you  may have. 

05: Wedding Video 

Your guests can sit down in a cozy space and leave a special message, through video, for your and your partner! This is an intimate idea that will produce memories of your wedding day, featuring those who love you. You can record it on a phone, or set up an ipad to receive all of the messages. This option allows you to see your loved ones, and let’s be real– you can never have too many videos of your family and friends. 

06: Find your Favorite Passage

Bring a book, or even your Bible, to act as your guest book. Whether it is a book filled with your favorite poems, or a journaling Bible, your guests can look through the text and highlight a passage or phrase that is meaningful to them. They can write a note, express their love and thoughts, and it’s something for you and your partner to cherish down the road. 

07: Statement Wall Piece

Whether you purchase something on Etsy, or at your local craft fair, many couples are choosing or creating a statement wall piece that they can hang in their home and having their guests write loving messages on it. This is a fun, but simple way to remember your wedding, see all the guests in attendance, and feel the love on a daily basis. You can also get creative with this idea, and hey – it wouldn’t hurt to have it match your everyday decor. 

Whatever you decide, when creating or choosing your guest book, keep a few things in mind. 

First, make sure that it is interactive and something more than just blindly signing your name. Next, make it meaningful to you and your partner. You want this to be something you cherish for years to come. Last, make it accessible and in a space that your guests will visit and complete. You don’t want your guest book to be overlooked in all the wedding day fun! 

Lori Losee is the owner of Elegant Affairs, a Seattle Wedding Planner with over 17 years of experience. We create awe-inspiring experiences—Events filled with meaning and refined elegance. Behind the scenes, our experienced team collaborates on each stage of the process, executing your vision and a wedding, celebration, or corporate event that is unique to you.