Top Things to Do Your Wedding Week 

Can you believe it? It hardly feels real… the final countdown to your wedding day is just here! Your wedding is in just a week, yes – just seven days. Looking at your calendar may cause some panic, but don’t worry we are here to help you create a stress free last few days. We know the last thing that you need to be stressing about is all of the wedding day details. The week before your wedding should be filled with things that are relaxing. Take yourself to the spa, go ahead and get that pedi, enjoy spending time with your family and friends, and know that all of your details have been planned to perfection. But, there are a few things that you, and your wedding planner, will need to handle within those seven days. Let’s talk about how to handle the week before your wedding, logistically and as stress-free as possible. 

Confirm with Your Wedding Party 

One of the biggest agenda items will be to reach out and touch base with all members of your wedding party. This includes not only your bridesmaids, but your groomsmen, floral girl, parents, future in-laws, and even your officiant. You want to make sure everyone is on the same page with the following information: 

  • Time and place for the rehearsal dinner

  • Timeline or schedule of the wedding day

  • Clarify where the wedding party needs to be to start the day and at what time 

Ensuring your wedding party has these details will lessen the stress of late members and people that forget. You can even create your list, snap a picture of it, and ask your wedding party to hold onto it in their favorite’s photo album. This will be their handbook for the day. You want to make sure that everyone is on the same page with time and place. 

Finalize Seating Chart

Before the week of your wedding, you should have a draft of your seating chart. But, don’t be surprised if you have to adjust and move some folks around. Yes, your caterers and vendors will have received your final count a few weeks ago, but you may need to adjust your seating arrangements with last-minute changes. Maybe your co-worker fell ill and you choose to invite your nail gal. Take this time to ensure everyone is accounted for and finalized for the big day. 

Take Time Off 

We cannot stress this enough. Take time off for YOU and your fiance. Even if it is just a day or two, you don’t want work to create unnecessary added stress before your wedding day. Use this time to relax and pamper yourself. You can even handle last-minute errands that you need to run. But, even if you don’t take the whole week off prior, leave some time for wedding prep. Don’t hesitate or feel bad asking your employee for at least two days off prior to your wedding. You won’t regret this in the future. 

Pay It Off

During the last week, take a good look at your budget and figure out what needs to be finalized in payments. There are some vendors that are paid the week before. In addition, some vendors chose to be paid the day of the wedding. Be sure to create a plan for payments, send or write any checks that you need to, and if you plan on leaving tips for your vendors on the day of, get cash and place it in pre-addressed envelopes. Hand these off to someone trustworthy in your wedding party, or your wedding planner, to hand out the night of. Most importantly, be sure to plan ahead so you, personally, do not have to handle any payments on the wedding day. 

Marriage License

This is the most important preparation for the wedding day. You want to make sure that you have ample time to get your marriage in the appropriate county or location. If you are having a destination wedding, pre-plan your arrangements and logistics for obtaining your marriage license. Different locations have different rules. Double check if your state or county has a specified waiting period, you may need to obtain your license a few weeks in advance. 

Pack for the Wedding Day 

Make a list and pack your bags for the wedding day and evening. You don’t want to rush shoving everything in a bag and forget something. Make a list, check it, and pack everything neatly. You will want to pack separate bags, for you and your partner, including all of your toiletries, getting ready clothes, clothes needed for the wedding night or weekend (don’t forget some comfy clothes), and all of your wedding day necessities. 

Check-in with Your Planner

If you have a wedding planner, you’ll want to check in with your planner. Discuss any timeline changes, vendor updates, and go over your rainy day plan (yes- you should all have one!). Handle any last-minute payments or requests during your final meeting. Even if you don’t have a face-to-face meeting in the days leading up to your wedding, you’ll want to schedule a phone call. 

Now, these are our top items, which we recommend you do. But, there are definitely some items you DON’T want to do leading up to your wedding. You definitely don’t want to: 

  • Self-tan (especially if you’ve never gone before) 

  • Try a new skincare routine 

  • Decide to cut your hair or change the color drastically 

  • Overthink or make any rash changes

  • Or make major changes to yourself 

Most importantly, leading up to your wedding, enjoy the time you will have with your family and friends. Don’t be afraid to lean on your wedding planner for some extra support, or delegate tasks that are overwhelming. You are not in this alone! But, take the time to confirm with your vendors and planner, make any last updates to your seating chart, take that time off, pay off your final wedding bills, and don’t forget your marriage license. Enjoy the final days leading up to your wedding and relax! 

Lori Losee is the owner of Elegant Affairs, a Seattle Wedding Planner with over 17 years of experience. We create awe-inspiring experiences—Events filled with meaning and refined elegance. Behind the scenes, our experienced team collaborates on each stage of the process, executing your vision and a wedding, celebration, or corporate event that is unique to you.